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Saturday 11 May 2013

Innovation Product (R&D) at University of Malaya

1)       Design, fabrication and test of an efficient turbine blade for oscillating water column devices.

Rising demand for energy and the finite nature of conventional fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas, have lead scientist to focus attention on alternate energies which are inexhaustible or renewable energy resources. Ocean wave energy is one of the more concentrated forms of renewable energy, which is an abundant energy resource, pollutant free and in the near future is likely to be economically viable. By converting into more usable forms, the ocean wave energy can give a significant contribution to the energy requirements of coastal nations, especially those with island communities.
      The system essentially consists of a capture pneumatic chamber that opens at bottom front to incident wave, an air turbine, and an electrical generator. In its energy conversion chain, the system converts wave into low pressure pneumatic energy in the form of bi-directional or oscillating air flow. An air turbine is required to extract mechanical shaft power from bi-directional airflow, which is further converted into electrical power by a generator.
     The objective of the project was achieved by producing two type of efficient turbine blade by using CFD simulation. These blades are called as uniform and non-uniform of the tip clearance. A new method of a blade fabrication and a light weight of blade material have been purposed. These could be reducing about 50 percent of manufacturing cost as well as reducing the production time. 
Prototype design of turbine blades

   The project has developed a lab scale of water wave simulation to test and measure the efficiency of the turbine blade design. The purpose turbine blades were also tested with our portable wave energy power generator.  This portable ocean wave energy power generator was running a field at east coast area at Pantai Bachok Kelantan and at Pantai University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT)


Ocean wave energy power generator (Pilot test at UMT beach)

Funding Sources from:
1) University Malaya (RU) - FR083/2007A
2) MOHE (FRGS) - FP042/2007C
3) MOSTI (ScienceFund) - 03-01-03-SF0306

For more information on the research, Please contact:
 Mr. Norhafizan Bin Ahmad

2)       Changing Hydro-Meteorological Events and its Threat to Water Security - A Study of Perak River, Klang River and Kelantan River Basins. E-Science Project 2008, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)

This research is fully funded by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI). The general aim of this study is to understand the complexity of water issues and its impact on societies when water resources are threatened by a changing climate regime, environmental resources exploitation and the general scarcity of the resource.

The study also evaluates the water resources management strategies in the country in terms of short term and long term anticipation of a changing climate regime threat. Three major river basins, which are under different levels of exploitation, are considered for the study. The basins are the Klang River Basin (developed), the Perak River Basin (transitional development) and the Kelantan River Basin (limited development).

The study focused on a number of specific objectives, namely ;
(1) to identify and classify water resources potential and its uses
(2) to study changing patterns and trends (space and time) of climate meteorological- runoff events in the basins
(3) to understand how society affects water resources availability (including its quality and quantity)
(4) to study how water affects society (water economics, water ethics and justice, water politics and legal issues,
(5) to study why societies are vulnerable to water resources availability in the future
(6) to study the various adaptive mechanisms inherent in societies to adapt to water resources availability (including short term non-formal strategies) and long term more formal strategies)
(7) to evaluate existing water policies and water resources management systems within the basins in addressing water resources availability
(8) to recommend a national policy on water resources management based on findings of the study.

For more information on the research, Please contact:
 Prof. Dr. Khairulmaini Bin Osman Salleh

3) The use of a double heat pipe heat exchanger system for reducing energy consumption of treating ventilation air in an operating theatre - A full year energy consumption model simulation

Typical TRNSYS results for simulating responses of HVAC systems
Energy and Buildings 40 (2008) 917–925
Available online at

In two earlier papers [Y.H. Yau, Application of a heat pipe heat exchanger to dehumidification enhancement in tropical HVAC systems—a baseline performance characteristics study, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 46 (2) (2007) 164–171; Y.H. Yau, The analysis of enthalpy change with and without a heat pipe heat exchanger in a tropical air conditioning system, International Journal of Energy Research 30 (15) (2006) 1251–1263], two series of experiments were conducted under controlled conditions to establish the baseline performance characteristics of the heat pipe heat exchanger (HPHX). In the present paper, a complete empirical transient systems simulation program model is assembled to estimate the air states as well as the entire typical meteorological year energy consumption of an operating theatre located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The current heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems for the operating theatre are found to be inherently energy-inefficient and can be further improved with a double heat pipe heat exchanger system. The impact on actual energy consumption of a custom-built Trane Air Handler Unit 0704 2-2MB is simulated with two 8-row heat pipe heat exchanger installed in the heating, ventilating and air conditioning system compared to the existing without HPHX HVAC system.

Based on this investigation, the application of a double heat pipe heat exchanger system (Plant E) in the conventional Air Handler Unit operating in a tropical climate is strongly recommended as an efficient mean for humidity control and energy savings to maintain acceptable room conditions per American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) requirements [ASHRAE, ASHRAE Handbook HVAC Applications SI Edition, ASHRAE, Atlanta, GA, USA, 1995].

For more information on the research, Please contact:
 Associate Prof. Ir. Dr. Yau Yat Huang

5)Creating Wealth from Wastes - Making Low Cost, Fire Resistant Roofing Materials from Local Plant Fibres

A prototype- Fire resistant roof material from waste fibres
Generally, there are three main types of roof materials used in Malaysian houses: namely the concrete tiles, attap and metal.  Concrete roof tiles are widely used in urban houses. The tiles (made of clay or cement) are very heavy, contributing to much of the weight of the heavy roof, requiring strong supporting structures such as cement bricks and concrete leading to high cost of the house. Attap has been a traditional materials for roofs in the rural houses.The material is light weight and durable, however, there are some short comings.   Firstly the attap leaves are not completely impermeable to rain water, and during dry season, in the event of a fire, the roof can burn rapidly and spread the fire to the other parts of the house.   The metal roofs, usually in the form of corrugated metal sheets (zinc, galvanized iron or mild steel), have become the most widely used in rural and sub-urban houses. They are more expensive than attap roof but cheaper than concrete roof, impermeable to rain and do not burn.  However metal roof cannot insulate against the heat of tropical sun and require the installation of air-conditioning. This could incur high electricity usage. Another irritating feature is the noise of falling rain during the rainy season.

The project aim To utilize plant wastes from the agriculture sector to make fire-resistant plant fibre-polyurethane roofing material.
The new material must be water-proof and does not burn easily as the attap roof. It should have good insulation against the sun and does not produce disturbing noise by rainfall as in the case of metal roof. Most important of all, it must be cheap.
The agriculture sector produces abundant of various plant fibres such as oil palm biomass, lalang, leaves and stems of various other plants. Most of them are being treated as wastes and left to rot in the field or being burned. The plant fibers were coated with fire-retardant chemicals and held on top of layer of rigid foam and PVC or aluminum sheet with a palm oil-based adhesive,which has been patented recently. [A process for producing polyol and polyurethane adhesives. Malaysia Patent Application: PI20042859, filed on 16-7-2004.]
The new roofing material is safer than the attap roof, can provide better insulation against the sun than the metal roof, and it is very much cheaper than the concrete roof. The prototype model has demonstrated the good insulating properties of the new material as compare to zinc sheet. In addition, the manufacturing activities could generate employments to the rural population, diversify the applications of plant fibers from agriculture sources, and promoting the construction of economical traditional houses with better safety features. In view of the global interest in environmental protection and the encouragement to utilize sustainable resources, the environmental friendly plant fiber roofing materials could have the potential to be marketed overseas.
New roofing materials from local agriculture waste fibres, Malaysia Patent Application PI20070013, filed on 5-1-2007 
This invention has won a number of awards:
  • Gold Medal, Ekspo Penyelidikan, Rekacipta dan Inovasi 2005, 14-17 June 2005,Universiti Malaya.
  • Gold Medal, IPTA R&D Expo 2005, 30 Sept – 2 Oct, PWTC
Prof Dr GAN Seng-Neon (Project leader)
Prof Dr Muhamad Zakaria
Lee Sook Ching
Azalina Puang
Gan Yik Kang

For more information on the research, Please contact:
 Prof. Dr. Gan Seng Neon

6) The Detection And Evaluation Of Significance Humoral Immune Responses In Dengue Virus Infection

Dengue has been the most common mosquito-borne disease in South-East Asia since the 1950s. The viruses are single stranded enveloped RNA viruses, spherical, about 40-50 nm in diameter, consisting of an inner viral core within a lipid envelope covered with glycoprotein peplomers. There are four serotypes of the dengue virus from which infection with any type is said to give lifelong homologous immunity, but there is no cross-protection. The pathogenesis of dengue virus infections, dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome are still not clearly understood. The current school of thoughts which includes antibody-dependent enhancement, virus virulence and IFN-γ/ TNFα-mediated immuno-pathogenesis is insufficient to explain clinical manifestations of DHF/DSS such as thrombocytopenia and hemoconcentration . The pathogenicity of DENV infection depends on both viral and human immunologic factors. Viral virulence ,host genetic background, T-cell activation, the viral burden and auto antibodies are involved in viral pathogenesis. Host immune factors, which can be influenced by age, race or ethnicity, nutritional state, and chronic diseases, have also been suggested to contribute to DHF risk. It has been stated that the primary correlate of immunity to dengue is thought to be the presence of neutralizing antibodies. Infection of DENV can be asymptomatic or cause diseases ranging from a flu-like syndrome to severe disease involving plasma leakage and thrombocytopenia (DHF), and also life threatening hypovolemic shock (DSS). In most dengue endemic countries, only a small percentage of the population actually develop symptoms (DF) upon infection with the dengue virus. Only some individuals infected with dengue virus will develop clinical evidence suggestive of dengue infections within two to three days but some of the infected people remain healthy and immunologically normal. Studies of the protected group may yield important clues for the development of prophylactic and therapeutic interventions against the dengue virus infection. To determine the factors which influence the body’s immune response to dengue exposure and infection, immune response of the protected group can be compared with people who are easily show symptoms of DF/DHF upon exposure of dengue virus. Studying the individual variations in the immune response will help clarify what contributes to protective immunity against dengue virus. Studying host genetic factors will contribute to our understanding of the pathophysiology of dengue virus infections and also of viral infections in general. Research should be carried out to look at the genetics of the protected group and determine what is protecting them. This approach can contribute in vaccine or drug development in dengue virus infection.
Dot-plot showing infected cells detected using flow cytometer.

For more information on the research, Please contact:
 Prof. Dr. Shamala Devi A/P K.C Sekaran

7) Facial Recognition System

The face recognition time attendance system combines the face recognition technology with existing computer-base time attendance system to prevent buddy punching and increase gate/door throughput rate. The system uses an economical PC and a web camera as the required hardware. There are two main functionalities of the system i.e. to detect facial images from video streams and to identify the person of the detected images. This face recognition Time Attendance system uses rapid object detection and eigen-faces algorithms.

According to the statistics of the International Biometric Group (IBG), the market of global biometrics recognition reached 58 million US dollars, and 15% of the market goes to the facial recognition field. The price slump of computer peripherals, such as PC camera and fingerprint recognition devices have been boosting the biometrics market to grow radically. The market is expected to expand to 590 million US dollars, 10 times bigger than now. Frost & Sullivan also estimated that the market scale would reach 2.6 billion by 2006 only in the US market.

Face-recognition technology is booming and diversifying due to the wide application of PC camera and its characteristic of "no need to touch users.”

Almost all the face recognition algorithm that exists does not provide sufficiently high recognition ability. Most recognition algorithm ranges from 75% - 90++%. None of it provides a unique matching. Therefore to use this biometric for high security requirements such as bank account identification and etc are not feasible. However, it can be used as an enhancement instead.

Hence, this system proposes to simulate a time attendance system with face recognition as enhancement to conventional time attendance system

For more information on the research, Please contact:
 Associate Prof. Datin Dr. Sameem Binti Abdul Kareem

8)Coatings Coloured With Natural Pigments

Paint consists of pigments, binders, solvents and additives. In this work, dammar resin from Dipterocarpus grandifolius was used as binder. Pigments from intact plants of Bixa orellana, Curcuma domestica and Clitoria ternatea produced various colours. Pigments extracted from the callus of Celosia cristata, Celosia plumosa and Echinocereus sp.  were also used. The combination of binder and pigments produced paint. Coatings on various types of surfaces could be made easier using paint produced via this safe and environmental friendly method.

The product has many advantages such as produced from natural plant pigments, safe to use, harmless, environmental friendly, free from volatile organic components, Cost effective and many others. However further research needs to be done in order to improve the quality of this product
For more information on the research, Please contact:  Prof. Dr. Rosna Binti Mat Taha

9)Design and development of an inverter-drive system for IPM-motor-driven air-conditioners

The prototype hardware
Interior permanent-magnet (IPM) motor’s increasing popular use in air-conditioners is owed to its high efficiency – highest among ac and dc motors, and 30%-50% more efficient than common induction motors are. Air-conditioners guzzle power so the consequently reduced power consumption and running costs are welcome.

IPM motor’s rotor is unique; made from high-energy neodymium-iron-boron (NdFeB) magnet, robust, and able to run at very high speeds, its interior construction creates flux distribution superior to that of surface-mounted permanent-magnet motors (90% efficiency against 80% of surface-mounted permanent-magnet motor’s), and the motor’s overall construction provides superior power density and torque-to-inertia ratio and efficiency.

Starting torque can be either line-start or inverter-fed. Line-start IPM motors are used in fixed-speed or synchronous-speed applications. Air-conditioner systems need variable speed to maintain the desired temperature, thus an inverter is used for starting and for speed variation.    

Inverters convert to application-specific ac voltages and frequencies, the dc voltage rectified from ac line voltage. For advantageous use, they need advanced control methods. Speed control of IPM motor is complex as its permanent-magnet rotor construction provides fixed magnetic-field excitation, making rotor-speed control difficult. Conventional-motor speed control is through variation in input voltage and in supply frequency but this limits the speed range. Integration of current vector control with flux weakening control expands the speed range but the technique needs DSP, complicating control. The most advanced IPM motor control developed is the sensor-less drive; without speed-determining position sensors, the system is more robust, and, without feedback signal, more reliable. Speed approximation is through DSP-based calculation.

Inverters raise efficiency levels yet most air-conditioning systems are non-inverter types. Highly developed countries have started replacing conventional motors with IPM ones, and the rest of the world will, too, as energy resources dwindle. The only stumble to IPM motor’s out-phasing conventional ones in air-conditioners is that reliable, high-performing inverters are still in the works.

The researchers, Prof. Dr. Nasrudin Abd. Rahim and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hew Wooi Ping, are with UM’s Centre of Research in Power Electronics, Drives, Automation and Control, UMPEDAC.

For more information on the research, Please contact:
 Prof. Dr. Nasrudin Bin Abd Rahim

10) Wedding Arch: A Mobile Compliant Web-Based Comparative Analysis Decision Support System

A long list of preparations usually awaits soon-to-be brides and grooms before their auspicious wedding ceremony. The most common hassles the brides and grooms face includes registration of marriage, wedding photographs, location for the occasion, dinner ceremony, guest lists, seat placements  and the list goes on. Without guidance and recommendations, these brides and grooms face the unpleasantness of hunting for the suitable bridal products and services. The ideal world for any couple is to be able to retrieve information on the available products and services, such as types of services and price lists, in the shortest possible time. However, the ideal world is a very lowly part of reality. A web based wedding planner that lessens the hassles and progressively shortened the time consuming process is a step towards the ideal world. It would be desirable if the brides and grooms are able to acquire the information online or within the same location and subscribe to a service that is able to assist them in the preparations. Wedding Arch is a mobile compliant web-based comparative analysis decision support system which manages to guide and help budgetary couples to plan for their wedding. WA provides and generates results and graphs which founded on the best price for wedding apparels and available services from the database of the system based on both rule based and deduction techniques. The system will return a few packages to the budgetary couples once it matches the preferences and the budget of the couples based on a new proposed algorithm.

WA serves as an e-commerce web-based portal by providing vendors with advertising spaces to promote their products and services. At the same time, provides facilities to acquire competitors’ information while assisting vendors in their marketing strategies. WA enables wedding couples to acquire bridal apparels, services and other wedding necessities anywhere, anytime via the internet. The Wedding Arch system works as a comparative analysis decision support system tool whereby it alleviates the problem of high budget and extensive time taken by wedding couples in investing and surveying throughout the wedding planning processes. WA will assist couples in making decisions for their wedding preparations and recommend services based on their preferences and budget. The Wedding Arch system provides busy and tight budgeted wedding couples other alternatives by enabling them to search for resources according to their preferences besides using the traditional way.

For more information on the research, Please contact:
 Dr. Por Lip Yee @ Por Khoon Sun

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